profilbilde Grace Ramirez Gaston

Grace Ramirez Gaston

Grace Ramirez Gaston er leder for Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Cultures Civic Art Division.

Ramirez Gaston følger opp avdelingens overordnete visjon og programmer for kulturell likestilling og gir veiledning om kunstprogrammer som Civic Art Policy og Public Art in Private Development. Hun har dessuten 15 års erfaring i rollen som visedirektør for NYC School Construction Authority sitt program Public Art for Public Schools.

Ramirez Gaston vil snakke om forordningen Public Art in Private Development der myndighetene samarbeider med private eiendomsutviklere om ulike kunst og kultursatsninger. Prosjektene er basert på en prosentavsetning av utviklernes byggebudsjetter.

Ramirez Gaston oversees  the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture’s Civic Art Division. She outlines the division's broad vision, centers the work on cultural equity, and provides policy guidance on civic art plans such as the Civic Art Policy and the Public Art in Private Development program. She was the Deputy Director of the NYC School Construction Authority Public Art for Public Schools Program for 15 years. 

Ramirez Gaston will talk about the Public Art in Private Development regulation, where the authorities collaborate with private property developers on various art and cultural initiatives. The projects are based on a percentage allocation of the developers' construction budgets.