Utekino på Dokken_foto Margrethe Vikan Sæbø
Bilde: Utekino på Dokken. Foto Margrethe Vikan Sæbø

Impact of temporality, art, and culture in waterfront transformation

Artists, art and culture plays an important role in the process of giving areas of transformation identity, authenticity, fabric and life.

Artists can also bring perspectives and knowledge to the process that can be easily overlooked.

About the workshop

Main goal of the session is to share how our cities work, the processes we have been through already and where we find ourselves struggling to make the long lasting and desired impact in the transformation process. The first step in a closer collaboration?


  • Time: 08.30-11.30
  • Place: Bioregion Institute, Damsgårdsveien


The session is free of charge but to make sure you have a spot you should get yourself a ticket: https://www.deltager.no/register/444832

Iinvited participants: 

Participants from the cities of Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim.

The session is facilitated by Ramon Marrades


  • 08.30 - Coffee
  • 08.45 Kort introduksjon ved Ramon
  • 09:00 Stavanger, Trondheim og Bergen: kort intro om casene og nøkkelproblemstillinger / spørsmål
  • 09:45 Discussions/ Felles samtale 
  • 10:15 Mapping timeframe – what happens first and what happens in the nexts steps?
  • 11:15 Wrap up